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Wednesday - 03/26/2025
Byron Municipal Complex

401 Main Street | Byron, GA 31008

478-956-3600 | Fax: 478-956-5299

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

For after hour emergencies or service interruption please call


City of Byron Municipal Court

The Byron Municipal Court provides an impartial forum to hear and settle traffic tickets, misdemeanor criminal violations, and city code violations.

State law authorizes municipal courts to hear violations of state and local traffic laws that occur within the city limits. State traffic offenses are misdemeanors and as such, in some cases may carry penalties of up to one year in prison and a $1,000 fine. Access information about Georgia’s Super Speeder Law here.

The state has authority to grant jurisdiction over certain misdemeanor offenses to municipal courts. The penalties that may be imposed for these offenses in municipal court are typically identified in the statute granting jurisdiction. Examples of these offenses include possession of less than one ounce of marijuana and shoplifting property valued at $500 or less.

Cities may proscribe certain conduct that is not already prohibited by state law and provide for appropriate punishment. State law establishes that the maximum punishment for ordinance offenses is six months incarceration and fines of $1,000 per offense. Some municipal charters limit the city to lesser maximum punishments for ordinance offenses.

Our Mission

The Byron Municipal Court is responsible to provide adjudication of municipal citations in a prompt, fair, and respectful manner. While the majority of the Court's docket concerns the disposition of motor vehicle citations, the Court also hears other misdemeanor and city code violation cases.

The Court recognizes the interest of the residents of Byron, GA, in the enforcement of local laws but also recognizes the interest of defendants in receiving fair treatment and due process of law.

The Court shall remain independent and objective but will recognize its role in the community and will promote, whenever possible, an understanding of the Court and the role of the judicial function.

Clerk's Office

The Byron Municipal Court Clerk is responsible for the smooth and efficient operation of the Municipal Court. The Clerk's Office ensures the appropriate documentation is available to the Court and records the disposition of each case brought before the Court. The Clerk's Office is also responsible to collect fines and/or refer defendants to the Probation Office as appropriate.

The Clerk's Office telephone number is 478-956-2757. For court dates, ticket amounts, directions to the court, information in Spanish, and to pay by phone, please call 24/7 toll free at 1-844-738-5771.

The Clerk's Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (except holidays). The Clerk's Office can accept payments from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on those days. For more payment information, click here.

Indigent legal aid is available to qualifying defendants. It is the defendant's responsibility to request this service during arraignment. For more information, contact the Clerk's Office.

Rights in Court

All parties appearing in municipal court are entitled to due process, which generally means an opportunity to plead their case to a neutral judge, and to present and challenge evidence. These rights also include the right to be represented by counsel and the right to have counsel appointed at government expense if the defendant cannot afford counsel.

Misdemeanor defendants in Georgia are entitled to a jury trial. Although municipal courts have the authority to conduct bench trials, they do not have the authority to hold jury trials. Thus, in certain cases where criminal defendants insist on their right to a jury trial, a transfer of the case to a state or superior court may be necessary.

Although some defendants may knowingly choose to waive their right to counsel, in order to hear a case, municipal court must provide lawyers to indigent defendants who request them. Interpreters must be provided for defendants who have a limited proficiency in the English language.

Court Dates

  • Session
  • Arraignment
  • Arraignment
  • Trial
  • Monthly Court Date
  • First Wednesday
  • Third Wednesday
  • Third Monday
  • Time
  • 10 a.m.
  • 10 a.m.
  • 5 p.m.

Please examine your citation for your court date. You must appear in court on the specified date -- or -- pay your fine in advance of that date.

Court begins promptly at 10:00 a.m. or 5:00 p.m. depending on the session. You must be in your seat in the court room prior to these start times. If you arrive past these times, you will need to see court personnel to sign-in, complete court documents, and receive admittance to the court room.

If you cannot attend the Arraignment session on the date specified on your citation, you must contact the

Court Clerk's Office as soon as possible to request a continuance until the next Arraignment session. The last day to request a continuance is the day before your scheduled court appearance. Note: The Clerk's Office can grant only one continuance per case and only if the defendant provides a strong rationale for being unable to attend on the specified date (e.g., family emergency).

A Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or DUI-related offense requires a defendant's presence in court on the specified date. Paying the fine in advance of the court date is not an available option for this type of offense.

Court Rules

The following is a list of rules to be observed for appearances at the Byron Municipal Court:

DEADLINE TO PAY YOUR CITATION IS 5 P.M. THE DAY PRIOR TO THE COURT DATE. If you come to make payment on an arraignment date, there will be a delay in service. The arraignment will take precedence.

DO NOT BE LATE. Court begins at 10:00 a.m. or 5:00 p.m. depending on the session. You will need to arrive at least 15 minutes early to check in and complete a court plea document. If you arrive late, you will be placed at the bottom of the calendar.

NO WEAPONS ARE PERMITTED IN THE COURT ROOM. This includes pocket knives. Please leave these items at home or in your vehicle.

THE COURT ROOM IS OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND ALL ARE WELCOME. If you must bring a child with you and the child becomes disruptive, you may be asked to step out of the court room until your case is called.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES MUST BE TURNED OFF AND/OR SILENCED. This includes cell phones, pagers, laptop computers, Walkmans, and/or iPods.


BE PREPARED TO PAY YOUR FINE. The Byron Municipal Court will accept cash; however, because the court has limited funds, the exact amount is appreciated. You may also pay with MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express. There will be a 3.5% service fee added to your fine for the use of a credit/debit card. NO PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED. NO PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTED BY TELEPHONE ON COURT DATES.

You MAY NOT ask the Court Bailiff or Court Clerk for legal advice prior to Court.

THE JUDGE IS ADDRESSED WITH RESPECT. "Yes, sir" and "no, sir" are the proper responses.

PROPER DRESS IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN INTEGRITY AND DECORUM IN THE COURT ROOM. The following is NOT appropriate dress for a court appearance, and you will be denied entry into the court room:

  • Ripped or torn jeans
  • Baggy pants that fall below the waist
  • Shorts
  • Tank tops
  • Halters or bare midriffs
  • Hair curlers or hats
  • Bare feet or "flip flops"
  • Muscle shirts
  • Clothing with emblems that condone illegal or inappropriate activity
  • Clothing depicting violence, sexual acts, profanity, or illegal drugs
  • Sunglasses

NOTE: The Court Clerk will have the final say as to what is appropriate dress for a court appearance.


Probation services are provided by Judicial Alternatives of Georgia (JAG). Persons placed on probation by the Court should contact JAG for any information regarding fees, fee schedules and probation plans.

JAG is a privately-owned and managed probation company providing services to more than 40 courts and supervising more than 15,000 misdemeanor offenders in Georgia and Florida. The contact number is 478-218-2739 and more information is available on their website,

Please contact their office for information on office and reporting hours.

Byron Municipal Court

Byron Municipal Complex
401 Main St., Suite 266
Second Floor
Byron, GA 31008

Phone: 478-956-2757
Toll Free: 844-738-5771
Fax: 478-956-1591
Contact us by Email

Laurens C. Lee
Presiding Judge

Dede Thibodeaux
Chief Court Clerk

Susan P. Beasley
Deputy Court Clerk
Terminal Agency Coordinator

Donna J. Culpepper