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Wednesday - 03/26/2025
Byron Municipal Complex

401 Main Street | Byron, GA 31008

478-956-3600 | Fax: 478-956-5299

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

For after hour emergencies or service interruption please call


Byron Fire Safety – Burn Permits

Anyone wishing to burn inside the city limits of Byron is required to have a burn permit issued to them through the Byron Fire Department.

Residential Burn Permits

The City of Byron Fire Department requires all residents wishing to burn yard debris to obtain a permit to do so. Complete the Burn Permit Request to obtain a permit. . Weekend permits are issued online. It is important to remember to wait until a permit number is obtained by return call or email before burning.

A burn permit is good only for the day that you intend to burn and the fire must be out by dark. Permits are subject to revocation for unexpected changes in the weather. A burn permit is not required for grills, small pit-contained campfires, or small cooking/warming fires.

Rules for Residential Burning

  • Burning is permitted Oct. 1 through April 30 only.
  • Burning is allowed only between 8 a.m. and sunset.
  • You may only burn natural vegetative materials from your property on your property.
  • Burn piles may not exceed 6x6x3-feet.
  • Fire location shall be a minimum of 50 feet from any structure and 50 feet from all property lines.
  • A competent adult must be present to guard the burn the entire time the fire is burning.
  • A functional garden hose or method of extinguishment must be present to control or extinguish the fire.
  • Fire must be completely out before dark with no smoldering or hot coals remaining.
  • Burning is not permitted when sustained winds are greater than 10MPH or on days when atmospheric conditions causes smoke to remain low.
  • Fires may not be started with petroleum-based products.
  • Do not burn any building materials, furniture, plastics, clothing, any rubber or tires, newspapers, household garbage, boxes.

Commercial Burn Permits

Commercial operators are required to have a site visit before a burn permit can be issued. Complete the Commercial Burn Permit Application and submit it to the Byron Fire Chief. The Byron Fire Chief will review the commercial burn permit application and conduct a site visit at the proposed location.

If the commercial burn permit application is approved, take the approved application to the City Clerk's Office at the Byron Municipal Building (401 Main Street) to purchase the required commercial burn permit.

The "Burning Checklist" for residential burning also applies to commercial burns.

Burn Permit Checklist

  • Obtain the proper permit (residential or commercial).
  • Garden hose/method of extinguishment present.
  • Must be more than 50-feet from structure/property line.
  • A competent adult must guard the fire at all times.
  • Common sense should always prevail.
  • Fires must be completely out by dark (no smoking/smoldering).

Burn Permit Application

Please note, you may have a Byron address but live in a different jurisdiction; by checking "YES" you affirm that the property that you are burning on is within the Byron city limits. If your property is not within the city limits, you may obtain a burn permit from the Georgia Forestry Commission at or by calling 877-652-2876.